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Energy field - Stabilization of distribution networks

Distribution networks have been used for over 120 years, but their major problem is still a very limited storage capacity of electricity. This means in practice that the amount of electricity produced must be as large as possible for the current consumption.


As soon as the balance between consumption and production is disturbed, it is generated in the network with excessive overvoltage production, with excessive consumption on the other hand undervoltage. However, both may result in a network failure. These undesirable states have been successfully subdued in national networks, for example by pumping power plants which is a very costly construction project.


The Czech Republic is committed to the EU Directive 2009/28 / EC that by 2020, 13% of total electricity consumption will be covered by RES (Renewable Energy Sources), for the EU it is set at 20% as a whole. It follows that the share of energy from RES will increase.


However, with the increasing share of energy production from RES, a number of decentralized energy sources are created, which are integrated into the existing transmission system. The reality is, therefore, that there will be a mismatch between current demand and the immediate generation of electricity influenced by the inclusion of energy sources from renewable energy sources dependent on weather conditions. The unpredictability of the volume of energy production will put increasing demands on network stabilization in the future.


At the same time, emphasis should also be placed on making all the produced energy available so that energy surpluses are effectively saved and utilized in energy peaks, or when the production of energy from RES is reduced due to weather conditions.


Magna Energy Storage project offers solutions to stabilize the grid by building optional storage capacity containers made from high-capacity 50kWh batteries. Undisputed advantages are the cost of the solution (incomparable, for example, with the use of pumping power plants), high safety, fire resistance, simple BMS and reliability.

Energy storage with adequate capacity should be an integral part of both wind farms and photovoltaic power plants in the future, which would in itself greatly reduce the undesirable effect of RES on the grid.

Stabilization of the network

Peaks in the distribution network in cases of extraordinary surplus or loss of energy are one of the biggest problems faced by energy companies supplying electricity to cities and municipalities.


With the development of Renewable Energy Sources such as solar, wind and other power plants, the distribution network becomes very uneven and there are frequent power outages.


Cheaper solutions than existing overhead power plants and transformer stations are large battery repositories that, thanks to their fast reaction time of 40 milliseconds, can instantly respond to these situations and deliver or accumulate large amounts of energy for the required amount of time.


Island systems


An increasing trend of lowering the cost of acquiring photovoltaic panels, wind turbines and other renewable energy sources results in an increase in the number of completely autonomous small municipalities or firms that are independent of the supply of electricity from the central distribution network.


The last missing link in this eco-production and energy consumption is the battery that keeps the excessive amount of energy produced during the day in order to use it overnight or to serve as a back-up power supply.


"Off-grid" systems are also installed in areas where electricity has not yet been installed or it has been very expensive to build a distribution network in parts of the world that have very inaccessible terrain.


Backup resources


One of the most commonly used backup sources are diesel aggregators. Its main drawbacks include a slow start, resulting in a system failure of several minutes, high noise and greenhouse gas emissions.


The battery backup power can provide electricity faster than a failure of electronic devices. It is also a completely silent and non-emissive source of electrical energy.


The use of battery storage is mainly in the key infrastructure of the state, hospitals, armies, railways, backup systems of banks and important communication networks (telecommunication towers, traffic situation monitoring, etc.)


Charging systems for family and residential buildings

By placing a battery of sufficient capacity in households, it will not be necessary to increase the value of the main circuit breaker after the charging station


Strengthening the grid in locations with a high concentration of cars

  • charging station at traffic arteries where it is unlikely that it will be possible to draw from only the existing distribution system

  • charging stations - shopping centers

  • charging stations in residential areas where the existing capacity of the distribution system will not be sufficient


Car battery 12V

The HE3DA comes with an alternative of safe and affordable lithium starter batteries. The battery pack meets all the necessary parameters - power, mechanical resistance and operating temperature up to 80 ° C.


Car battery 50V

The 50V car battery will allow a number of innovations in the automotive industry. As soon as the car manufacturers are ready to use them, the HE3DA is able to supply these batteries with the dimensions and weight of today's lead-acid accumulators, so without changing the body design


Battery for electric cars

The HE3DA is a way to a safe and affordable high-performance, fast-charging battery.

Contact :


Main Office


Magna Energy Storage a.s.

Pařížská 68/9, Josefov,

110 00 Prague 1


Contact for electronic invoicing:

Distribution partner for the Czech Republic:


Battery Corporation a.s.

Na Moráni 1957/5

Prague 2- Nové město

128 00 Praha

+420 602 209 699

Partner dystrybucjny na PL:

Magna Energy Storage Trade Poland P.S.A.

ul. Francuská 186

40-507 Katowice


+48 692 330 724


Distribution partner for PL:


Magna Energy Storage Trade Poland P.S.A.

186 Francuská Str.

40-507 Katowice


+48 692 330 724


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