INVERTOR 3f se systémem Victron
Basic technical parameters
Dimensions W/H .......................................900x1850x400 mm
Weight: ...................................................................200 Kg
Max. power of photovoltaic panels: ....................10 kWp
Number of independent MPPT inputs: .....................................2
Max inverter power: ...........................3 x 5 kVA at 25 deg.C
Max inverter active power: ............ 3 x 4.5 kW at 25 deg. C
Max. active power of the inverter
in hybrid mode: ................................15 kW at 25 deg. C
Output voltage : ..........................................1 x 230 V 50 Hz
Input voltage from battery box: ....................4x400 V
Operating range: ...............................................45 V to 61 V
It is a domestic three-phase power plant enabling island operation without grid or hybrid operation with grid support
The power plant ensures zero power flow to the grid
It is equipped with Victron Energy branded electronics. It is the ideal combination with our battery box to address the grid independence of larger homes, businesses, banks, hospitals and government institutions
The system helps to stabilize the internal electrical grid and stabilize the grid frequency. It also serves as a backup system in the event of power interruptions
The three-phase hybrid power plant can be optionally equipped with a charging wallbox from Phoenix